
    library blog

    • Library is the nerve-centre and the heart of the vidyalaya and plays a vital role in supporting, teaching and learning activities, and provides the main source for individual demand at PM Shri KV Nasik Road Camp. Library is meant to help academic community to keep abreast with the latest development in their area of activities and to provide information support for regular study and academic activities. At the same time for students, library is a source to get information support for their course curriculum as well as for their self-development. A well-stocked library equipped with latest books and magazines on fiction, non-fiction, science, commerce and Arts stream related area.
    • The Library of Kendriya Vidyalaya Nasik Road Camp is a spacious and beautiful with a wealth of offers for those who seek information. The Library & Resource Centre is a part of the Vidyalaya and offers access to Books, Periodicals, Newspapers, CDs & Handbooks and Manuals
    • The School Library of PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya Nasik Road Camp caters to the information needs of 1600 students and more than 50 staff members of the Vidyalaya. With a collection of 8232 judiciously selected books, 24 periodicals, 05 daily newspapers and Educational Multimedia the library complement the teaching learning process inspiring the students to dream high.
    • Opening Hours: The library is open every school day from 08 a.m. to 03:30 p.m.
    • Library Periods: According to the school time table the students of Class VI-XII can visit the library for the issue and return of the books during their library periods. They can refer books and participate in library activities during this time.
    • Borrowing information: Students:02 book for a period of 15 days. Faculty and staff: Maximum 05 books for a period of 15 days.
    • Class Libraries: Class libraries are functioning for classes I to V.
    • Open Access and Classification: The library follows an open access system. The books are classified and shelved accordingly.
    • Library Automation: The stock and services of the library are automated powered by e-granthalaya software provided from National Informatics Centre, Department of information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India.
      PM SHRI KVNRC library blog